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The idea comes to make full use of the foreign small change.
Before leaving our travel destination, we always have certain amount of change in coins or small cash. Often, the left-over money in foreign currency can’t buy much things. (for instance, a few pennies or cents) It is either a pointless waste to keep the small change all the way home, or we can’t do much with it. The idea comes to make full use of the foreign small change. Through exchanging the foreign currency into our familiar currency, we have a clearer idea of how we use of the left-over change. A better way is provided no matter if we wish to add value or credits to make phone calls or donate the money to local charities. The exchanged currency often comes with a few digits after the decimal point, the system will then automatically round down the number and donate the small amount of money after the decimal points as micro-donations. Multiplied by over 2 billion of the world’s annual traveler, the number can make a massive difference to the society.