Maacraft - The Social Workshop
A design focused social workshop which employs mentally challenged people.
How does it work?
In the employment program of Maacraft, mentally disabled young people with autism are helped by designers to create high-quality objects and delicatessen products. The products are designed by the industrial designer, Daniel Szalkai and developed to manufactured products by conductors and professionals.
Why is it needed?
Maacraft is providing a safe and rewarding workplace and raising awareness of the difficulties faced by people with mental illness. They familiarize autistic and mentally disabled people with the world of working and its joy. In addition they believe in sustainability and do everything to grow all of their materials and ingredients locally in their therapeutic garden. By gardening and learning artisan techniques autistic employees can improve their cognitive and manual skills and also gain knowledge about visual culture.
How does it improve life?
They show a good example of socially and environmentally sustainable workplace. They present the importance to communicate a positive and forward message about challenged people living on the periphery of the society.