Sustainable cities are the success of our future, so let's create our future together!!!
This abbreviation is a combination of words and it reflects my idea - sun wind water, space we write, the colors at logo reflect the link with Dubai's sustainable development goals. I propose to create a universal module that will cause associations and arouse interest in the history of this place. The module resembles the image of a boat. The peculiar form protects against adverse weather conditions: overheating, sand and wind. Including serves as a frame for caps and the fans. Inside each house, there is ventilation-atrium space, which transmits natural energy of light and air. Warm air comes out through this atrium the cold air goes down and the house begins to "breathe". I propose to create an innovative "live" shell module, visually similar to the Arabic keffiyeh. It is made of the material that reduces air pollution by cars. And now smart fans. The technology is very simple, it is like a flower.