A digital tool for promoting mental well-being
How does it work?
Konfront is innovative technology developed with a focus on strengthening and supporting the special educational work with the mentally challenged. Through clear step-by-step processes, the platform contributes to usable mastery strategies and structures the overall effort. It facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration, while saving resources. The Konfront platform offers tailor-made courses for different target groups within an increasing number of focus areas. And new courses are constantly being added to the collection. Some of these focus areas are: Fear and anxiety. Robustness. Anger management. Self-worth training.
Why is it needed?
Up to 350,000 Danes live with anxiety, and many are challenged in their everyday lives due to mental and mental problems. We can change that together! Konfront believes that all people with mental challenges can be helped – and that Konfront can create better well-being and increase the value of life for many.
How does it improve life?
Konfront is working with several Danish municipalities and schools and have multiple testimonials on the impact of their work.