Better at-home treatment for neurological disorders with brain-computer interface technology.
How does it work?
Depression and other psychiatric disorders are caused by identifiable changes in brain networks. Nexus is a wearable headband that can monitor and stimulate activity in these brain networks, non-invasively. The headband combines neuroimaging with safe, low intensity neurostimulation to tailor therapy to each individual patient. It provides clinicians with reliable biomarkers to track their patient's health and allows them to adjust therapy to improve treatment outcomes. Nexus is connected to our software platform that enables take-home therapy with remote supervision making it much more comfortable and scalable than the current in-hospital solution.
Why is it needed?
Major depressive disorder is one of the most common chronic conditions, affecting more than 300 million people worldwide. Current pharmacological and psychotherapeutic approaches only work to a certain extent - about 20-30% of patients do not respond well to these approaches and even for patients outside of this group, treatment resistance is highly prevalent. Other than that, in-hospital neurostimulation therapy typically is poorly accessible to the masses as the equipment is both expensive and scarce.
How does it improve life?
InsAI brings personalised neuromodulation therapies to patients, in the comfort of their own homes.