MotionPower™ technologies convert kinetic energy of decelerating cars to sustainable electricity.
MotionPower™ technologies harness excess vehicle energy (‘kinetic’ or ‘rolling’ energy) and convert it to sustainable electricity. These roadway-based energy harvesting systems are an alternative energy technology which captures kinetic energy of decelerating cars and trucks and creatively converts this captured energy to usable electricity. MotionPower™ is best suited for high traffic locations where vehicles are already slowing down. Example installation sites include toll plazas, rest stops, highway off-ramps, truck depots, and traffic calming zones. Once fully optimized and installed, engineers anticipate that MotionPower™ devices may be used to supply electricity to a variety of customer applications, including: fixture, building controls, lighting, back-up systems, roadway signage, and other electronics, appliances, and devices used in commercial settings.