Video games and remote monitoring for mental health assesment
How does it work?
Thymia uses video games based on Neuropsychology together with analyses of facial microexpressions & speech patterns to make mental health assessments faster, more accurate and objective. This is how it works: The patient logs onto our platform. We gather data via a set of enjoyable activities and video games. This allows us to assess the likelihood and potential severity of depression, creating a personalised baseline to refer back to. The patient visits their clinician for their first session. With this visit and our output, the clinician creates a clinical case and decides on a diagnosis and intervention plan. Between sessions, at home, the patient logs onto thymia allowing for continuous, remote monitoring. We monitor changes over time, meaning both patient and clinician get a much deeper understanding of the patient’s condition and can identify over time whether treatment is working.
Why is it needed?
The current system for assessing mental health issues, and in particular depression, is based on questionnaires that are subjective and prone to bias. There is no standardised way to monitor patients at home. What’s more, clinicians frequently complain about having to spend too much time on admin tasks and not enough time with their patients. We are here to change all of that. Our end-to-end solution works from the moment the patient first visits the clinician all the way through to the end of treatment, empowering clinicians with more information, saving them time and costs, whilst improving workflow and patient outcomes.
How does it improve life?
According to the website (2020), Thymia is on-boarding psychiatrists and mental health clinics to pilot.