Bracelets communication set addressed to people with hearing difficulties.
How does it work?
This set has a main bracelet for the hearing impaired person and others for their relatives or people with whom they frequently interact. Incuz works with a mobile app in which you can set up the name of the person with hearing difficulties and define alerts to detect seismic events, ambulances, fire, etc. The bracelets also have a switch that allows sending attention or alert signals manually. Being an accessory for everyday use, it considers customizing its color, without limiting the style of the wearer.
Why is it needed?
It is an accessory that provides communication and perception alternatives for people with hearing difficulties. It gives awareness of what is happening in the environment without the need for physical or visual contact.
How does it improve life?
Providing a communication alternative between the hearing impaired and their environment reduces the risk of accidents and contributes to having fluid daily interactions.