Stratopsheric balloons go to 15-42km altitude and can be used to conduct scientific experiments.
How does it work?
These balloons require no fuel or engine and they reach 15 - 45km altitude which is too low for satellites, too high for planes and quickly cleared by rockets. They are used to test new technologies for long duration space journeys and to perform science experiments in an environment similar to space. The balloons are equipped with several gondolas that can be used to carry measurement equipment.
Why is it needed?
It is a fuel-less, engine-less way to conduct scientific experiments in completely controlled environments, measure weather patterns and forcast weather at an altitude that is otherwise not covered. It functions above the troposphere (at 14 km) and below the mesosphere (at 85 km) in the stratosphere (15km- 50km).
How does it improve life?
It is a method of scientific research that is completely fuel and ewngine free, the balloons are filled with helium, and the balloons can be re used many times. The balloons are much less expensive than their alternatives (eg satellites).