Flying Ray
Versatile children's furniture, made of plastic taken from the ocean, which provides potential space
About 8 million tonnes of plastic are discarded in the oceans each year. Without changes, especially in the way it is produced, consumed and disposed of, pollution must double. It is important to rethink our relationship with this material. Flying Ray is a multifunctional piece of furniture, whereby the child has the autonomy to explore numerous forms of use. As a transitional object, the child gives its own meaning, creating an emotional bond. The goal is to provide each child's Potential Space. According to the psychoanalyst Winnicott, it is an area that does not reduce the subject to an internal or external reality. In this intermediate place of creation. Inspired by the "flapping of wings" of Jamantas rays, which are known for "flying". Made of plastic taken from the ocean, presenting a unique texture. The project introduces early environmental awareness, sustainability and the circular economy in children's daily lives, teaching the new generation about the value of plastic.