Headpieces for livestock to monitor health and methane emissions
Zelp’s vision is of a world where livestock is no longer a significant contributor to global warming. About 95% of the methane is expelled through the mouth and nostrils of cattle, via exhalations and belching. The Zelp technology measures, captures and oxidises methane in real-time, with the capacity to target vast quantities of methane. The cattle wearable attaches to regular halters in a non-intrusive way and, as well as converting methane, it has the added capacity to improve animal welfare by capturing, analysing and processing large amounts of data on each animal. Scientists and governments have repeatedly called for consumers to cut back on red meat consumption. This is certainly a very impactful solution. Realistically, however, beef and dairy consumption is expected to rise by 70% in the next 30 years (Food and Agriculture Organisation, UN). As some access animal protein for the first time, solutions at a worldwide scale need to be deployed as quickly as possible.