Reviving used footwear
The majority of modern shoes are crammed full of petrochemical materials that outlast their use by 1000’s of years when thrown away. Instead of filling landfill with more foam and air, we think it's time for the shoe industry to take more responsibility for trashing your feet and the planet. With the health of people and planet so intrinsically linked – its time to stop making rubbish shoes without end of life solutions. At Vivobarefoot we’re doing just that – constantly working on ways to make our footwear stay in use (or 'in service of you feet') longer and with real end of life solutions. It’s a challenge we’re meeting feet first through ReVivo, our program that sees our worn and returned Vivo footwear revived, reconditioned and made available to purchase, extending their life and drastically reducing the number of Vivos that end up on the rubbish pile.