Jolt Sensor
Real-time head impact tracking, for better concussion detection.
The Jolt Sensor is a wearable head impact sensor for youth athletes. It allows parents and coaches to track athletes' head impacts in real-time and enables them to act decisively in the critical moments following a dangerous impact. Mount the sensor to whatever you wear on your head. Its versatile patent-pending design means one sensor for all of your activities. Whether it's a sweatband, hairband, baseball cap, wrestling headgear, or helmet, the sensor can quickly and easily detach and re-mount for seamless transitions between sports.When the sensor detects a potentially dangerous impact or series of impacts, it vibrates on the athletes head to alert them. It also pushes an alert to the app to notify parents and coaches that the player should be removed from play for a sideline evaluation. On the sideline the player can complete a brief in-app evaluation accompanied by a checklist of symptoms to look for.