American startup develops game changing low cost AI - which could mean fast AI on any device
When someone talks about AI, or machine learning, what they’re really talking about is a lot of carefully manicured math. At the heart of these versatile and powerful networks is a volume of calculation only achievable by the equivalent of supercomputers. More than anything else, this computational cost is what is holding back applying AI in devices of comparatively little brain: phones, embedded sensors, cameras. If that cost could be cut by a couple orders of magnitude, AI would be free to inhabit practically any device — which is exactly what XNOR.ai makes possible. XNOR.ai is, essentially, a bit of clever computer-native math that enables AI-like models for vision and speech recognition to run practically anywhere. It has about a billion applications. It could lead to a fundamental shift in the capabilities of many classes of electronics, in the home and in industry - It has the potential to be transformative for the industry.