Facebook flag & filter fake news
Facebook flag and filter ´fake news´ in Germany to be checked by independent organisation.
In an effort to minimize the effect of false rumors on the social and political debate, Facebook will soon begin to test out a fake news filtering tool in Germany, just in time for the federal elections, which are scheduled to take place in the next months. German users of the network will be able to report a story as "fake". It will then be sent to Correctiv, and independent, Berlin-based, fact-checking organization, which will examine it. It the fact-checkers deem the story as unreliable, it will be flagged as "disputed". People will be able to share it on Facebook nonetheless, but they will receive a warning. In Germany politicians are worried that fake rumors concerning migrants and refugees might spur the rise of populist parties, stirring the hate against foreigners. Recently the situation got even worse. The German government has warned of an "unprecedented spread of fake news online". Repeated claims about the spread of viral misinformation was also seen in the US election.