ERTH is an electronic trade-in and recycling system that offers financial compensation
How does it work?
ERTH encourages people to recycle electronic devices in a safe and trusting system throughout their platform. The way it works is quite simple: once the booking form is filled and reviewed, a "hero" from ERTH collects the e-waste, and the person donating receives payment under the value of the items. The revenue generated from recycling enables an ongoing cycle when more and more people get interested in recycling. All items are then transported to a warehouse to be dismantled and segregated.
Why is it needed?
It's an on-demand electronic waste recycling system that handles waste in an environmentally friendly way. The lack of knowledge about recycling e-waste can hurt the planet when they are thrown in the regular trash. The way these goods contaminate land-fills can become inefficient for the recycling system. The world produces 50 million tons of e-waste every year, and ERTH provides a beneficial service and helps with the challenge of offsetting GHG emissions.
How does it improve life?
ERTH takes action on a serious issue and encourages those unaware or unknowledgeable to take recycling more seriously. They stand for taking responsibility for our current errors, and if we can change that, it's a gift for subsequent generations. It's a long term system that amplifies the recycling panorama, motivating those to help our ecosystem.