Shipping containers as platforms for clean water treatment

With an infinite amount of water and only a small proportion of this being useable, a growing global population increases the demand on this scarce commodity. AquacubeTM enables a large proportion of the world's currently unusable water to be treated and utilized.

Standard shipping containers act as universal building blocks in which the water treatment plants are assembled. The plant is self-contained and can carry an on-board power supply, spare parts, maintenance tools and collapsible storage tanks. Versatility is achieved by adopting a modular approach to determining the most appropriate method for treating different types of source water. Each module treats water by the scientific methods regarded as most applicable to the water treatment required. The standardized format also enables the AquacubeTM to produce high volumes of treated water with minimal infrastructure needs. The applicable systems are designed for use in the most challenging environments. The combination of these technologies results in a clean water supply suitable for irrigation, industrial applications or drinking water.

Provision of clean water has a huge impact on the most vulnerable members of our society. In continental Africa, water is mostly collected by young females and it can take up to four hours a day getting to the source of clean water and then back. AquacubeTM can be located closer to villages and can provide clean water close to the point of use. AquacubeTM is often operated and controlled by small community groups.

Designed by
Hugh O'Donnell and Dr. Keith Gavin - United Kingdom