Smarter Sorting
Help companies know more about consumer products to make, market and move them better
How does it work?
Our algorithms identify how to best handle regulated consumer products following all safety, health, transportation, disposal and sustainability regulations across the supply chain. We help retailers and brands remain compliant, avoid fines and reduce their environmental impact. The knowledge we provide helps control costs and sell more products. We are the first to use computational mathematics to give instant, accurate answers to complex questions, using billions of data points on millions of regulated consumer products.
Why is it needed?
Our smart people - a team of math nerds, chemistry wizards and retail pros - are united in wanting to make the difference that matters. We love to deliver results which improve sustainability AND make good business sense.
How does it improve life?
What's better for the environment should be better for business. Our chemistry-driven, product-level data helps retailers and brands make better business decisions, reduce regulatory liability, increase sustainability and be more efficient.