Ureport is a free SMS-based system that allows young Ugandans to speak out.
U-report, a communications technology developed by UNICEF Uganda is revolutionizing social mobilization, monitoring and response efforts. The initiative equips mobile phone users with the tools to establish and enforce new standards of transparency and accountability in development programming and services. Ureport is made up of: Weekly SMS messages and polls to and from a growing community of Ureporters. Regular radio programs that will broadcast stories gathered by Ureport. Newspaper articles that will publish stories from the Ureport community. The mission of Ureport is to: Inspire action within our communities to unite and share the responsibility of creating a better environment for eveyone. Inspire action from our leaders - let them know what's going on and what action your community wants. Share info that Ureport gathers through different mediums (radio, TV, community dialogue, website, and youth events)