Blastproof - Ergonomic handtools for manual mine removal teams
Tools that fulfil the ergonomic needs of the 'deminer' whilst enforcing safe working practices
The injuries that can follow the accidental detonation of a landmine are often attributed to the use of improvised tools (designed to better meet the needs of gardeners rather than deminers) or the misuse of existing long handled demining tools, both are unsafe practices which place the deminer’s hands within inches of a potential blast. The objective of the project is to create tools that are easiest to use in the safest way – thereby promoting safe working practices. Designed around the pressure decay of the most powerful blast-mines the new tools aim to ensures that the deminers hands and body always remain a safe distance from the cutting edge of the tools – and therefore from the origin of any potential blasts. By moving the deminers hands (and body) away from the blast by as little as 30cm allows the energy contained in the shockwave to decay exponentially to less than a few percent of its initial power.