HOMi is a digital caregiver who helps us in the management of medium-long therapies.
Although there is nothing better than common sense, simple equipment can help us to live more easily operations such as taking pills every day at home or outside. HOMi is a digital caregiver who helps us in the storage of different medicines, vitamins and supplements and in the management of medium-long therapies, is born from the need to find a link between a domestic assistant and the daily wellbeing. The device takes care pills storage for health care, but it is also a home assistant to whom we can ask questions, receive advice, get in touch with doctors and pharmacies and entrust our reminders to him. HOMi plays a motivating role, thus pushing the user under therapy to follow his own care since doing it becomes easier and more pleasant. The possibility to memorize therapies and dispense them in the right moments makes it a strategic device for those forced into the day to take many medicines. The device is supported by an app thanks to which is possible to monitor the hole process.