a navigational app that provides personalised safety routes
Everyone is different and we give you the tools to design your route based on your own unique preferences. We have different priorities during the day than we do at night time. We give you the power to choose how you want to walk and travel - your route on your terms. Amble allows you to review your route and report issues or incidences you encounter, ensuring that your route and the one of your fellow amblers continuously improves.Unlike other apps, we do not just optimise for time but navigate you down the streets you feel safest, enabling you to avoid dangerous areas, parks, unlit and quiet streets and alleyways. You won’t feel alone anymore, because with amble you will know there are always other Amblers with you. As humans we like to connect with the world around us. Rather than look down at a map, we want you to look up and enjoy the world around you.