Salt consumption controlling container
I have designed a container to control salt consumption in houses, which enables us to adjust the st
There is two or three times as much salt as the global standard on peoples’ tables in a few countries. According to the World Health Organization, the standard daily salt intake is 5 grams, whereas most countries consume two to three times more than the standard amount, regarding the estimates. Worldwide salt consumption exceeds the global standard; the results of a current study indicate that 87% of world population consumes more salt than the permitted amount. In addition, this study uncovers the highest salt consumption in countries of Central and Eastern Asia, Middle East and Eastern Europe. In the world, there are barely six advanced countries that meet the low limits determined by the WHO, implementing the worldwide salt consumption reduction programs. The solution to monitor and control salt consumption: I have designed a container to control salt consumption in houses, which enables us to adjust the standard salt consumption in every family per month(s).