ROPE hope
The intriguing story of reclaimed rope weavers around poor shipping areas in Lapu Lapu, Philippines.
Old ship ropes are reused to create a continuous livelihood for local recycling communities. ROPE hope promotes the reclaimed rope materials by making a new LIVABLE product. - OVERPOPULATION Cebu City is home to the largest port in the Philippines for many this is an attractive source of income. Unfortunately, overpopulation in and around the harbor creates the ideal environment for pollution, poverty and crime. -40 YEARS Mrs. Diosdada, a lovely and passionate entrepreneur, decided to make a livelihood out of recycling ropes from nearby shipping areas. After 40 years in the recycling business, Mrs. Diosdada now has children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and a community that is benefiting from all her efforts. -ROPE RUG Together with the industry we have looked for new applications. In collaboration with Belgian weaving company PAPILIO we developed a rug made out of these ROPE materials. Stimulating local economy and empowering environmental awareness for our oceans.