The After-Hours Safety System
The After-Hours Safety System monitors the safety of workers/contractors who work remotely.
Designed for all sized organizations, the After-Hours Safety System allows lone/isolated workers to check-in and their management to be alerted if this hasn't occurred. The After-Hours Safety System is capable of providing lone workers and management teams safety alerts around the clock. The After-Hours Safety System utilizes Push, SMS and automated phone- call notification technology as a way of alerting management in case an emergency situation occurs. Once the After-Hours Safety System is activated, all the user in isolation must do is respond via their smart-phone and either an alert or a 'confirmation of safety' is sent to their management team. Unlike other methods of monitoring lone worker safety, The After-Hours Safety System is a real-time web application. This advancement in workplace safety applies GPS, 2-way SMS and Interactive Voice Response automation technologies to alleviate the risk to an individual's health and safety.