Ergonomic Coffee-picking container: to raise safety, comfort and productivity of 25+ million workers
Handpicking coffee is key to excellent quality. However, coffee pickers have to negotiate treacherous terrains, hauling some 130 pounds of coffee beans in large, pain producing buckets strapped around their waists, submitting their bodies to bruising and tremendous stress, all for a minimum wage. ‘Coco’ is an ergonomic design proposal to replace the picking containers used worldwide. It respects traditional picking techniques while incorporating features such as an ergonomic shape that eliminates bruising; a continuous handle to facilitate grip and limit costly accidental bean spillage; a waist strap kidney belt to avoid lifting stress, and a custom clasping system to optimize ease and minimize potential risks of serious injuries. By centering on the workers' safety, comfort and efficiency, 'Coco' facilitates a hardy task, increasing their well-being, productivity and the economic prospects of both employees and employers.