A revolutionary ophthalmic drug delivery system
How does it work?
MistGo® makes the ophthalmic pharmaceutical perform to its best by delivering the drug in a gentle and consistent mist micro-dose (6 micro liter) directly into the cornea of the eye with no risk of the nozzle orifice touching the ocular surface. To ensure a successful instillation every time MistGo® has been designed to be intuitive, easy and comfortable to use as already verified in patient studies. With MistGo® patients get an exceptional user experience, precise amount at precise area, every time, hence enjoying the full benefit of their ophthalmic topical treatment. This results in higher compliance, healthier eyes and much improved quality of life. On top, it is preservative free hence eliminating all side effects/diseases arriving form the use of BAK today used in most drugs in dropbottles.
Why is it needed?
Problem: Only a fraction of eye patients achieves the full health outcome of available treatment due to imperfections with eye drop bottles. Studies show that half of those in e.g., glaucoma treatment stop taking the medicine after 6 months, and of the patients continuing the treatment only 25% successfully instills the correct number of drops in the eye without touching the eye risking contamination. Consequently, the disease deteriorates leaving patients with significantly lower quality of life; and society has unnecessarily high health care spending. Solution: MistGo micro-doses the ophthalmic treatment in a vaporizing mist instilled precisely at the cornea upon pushing a button on the device. MistGo mitigates eye-drop bottle barriers making it simple and comfortable to self-administer the drug correctly helping patients adhere to treatment. Pharma companies realize the full potential of their drugs. MistGo is suited for companies developing medication for chronic eye diseases
How does it improve life?
At EYE-GO, we care for the planet and the people living on it. With MistGo® we not only impact lives positively by providing the industry and patients with an effective, convenient and safe topical drug delivery system for ophthalmic treatment. We also impact the planet positively because of the big efficiency gains with MistGo®. With MistGo® you simply get 5 times more doses per ml of drug. No liquid or doses are wasted. This means less carbon emission in the entire value chain of ophthalmic topical products to the benefit of the environment. All components inside MistGo® can be recycled and consist of pharmaceutical grade materials. Most important of all; MistGo improve Quality of life for people with a chronic eye disease, hence avoiding blindness. MistGo® patients get an exceptional user experience and can rest assured they enjoy the full benefit of their ophthalmic topical treatment. This translates directly into higher compliance, healthier eyes and improved quality of life.