Kakshaa: Search Engine for Learning
Kakshaa is a one-stop gateway of FREELY AVAILABLE curated learning content for students & teachers
How does it work?
Kakshaa is a search engine for learning where our team has handpicked ten-thousands of links on the web, to curate freely available content seamlessly tied with the respective grade & subject taught based on India's central government's education curriculum - NCERT. It is a mobile & desktop friendly web browser where through limited & simple steps students & teachers can browse through videos, games, worksheets, DIY kits, virtual tours etc. which can be leveraged for holistic learning of concepts that are taught in school. The curated content is sourced from instructors across the world aiming to provide students a globalized learning experience. Kakshaa also has an additive feature of tracking your learning progress & accessing your favorites & last seen content. This helps in students & parents observing their child's learning progress & have easy access to relevant content for future access.
Why is it needed?
Upon secondary research of the education sector & primary surveys with parents & teachers in India, we observed different factors within the education space inhibiting the access of quality education for masses. To cite a few: 1. Lack of Access to Quality Educational Institutes – Most population in developing & poorly developed countries do not have access to quality educational institutes due to lack of infrastructure 2. Affordability – Though advent of digitization & access to smart phones has dramatically grown, most good quality Edtech apps are unaffordable for mass segment of society 3. Global Exposure - Parents & teachers both expressed strong interest in providing students a global learning experience. 4. Growing Educational Content Options - They needed assistance in narrowing best learning resources from all the choices available Addressing these four driving factors was the core rationale behind building the concept of Kakshaa.
How does it improve life?
Objective of Kakshaa’s design was to improves access to quality education with the focus of targeting the masses, especially students belonging to the lower income background who due to lack of quality educational infrastructure & inability to afford expensive Edtech products were relying on an offering which caters to them. While building Kakshaa, we observed various channels on youtube, vimeo and hundreds of websites owned by different companies or individuals had variety of their content freely available but to identify this content & tying it with the school’s curriculum was the missing link. We tapped into this missing opportunity & designed Kakshaa which enabled teachers, students & parents to use this site as a search engine for learning & development. A portal like this enabled them to not only save time, but also garner access to high quality content in a field which they lacked expertise and most importantly it also enabled them to track their child's learning.