Safe, sustainable, and affordable protein-based food ingredients
How does it work?
We have developed a unique process called Natural Intelligence™ to carefully craft ingredients that are safe, sustainable, economical, and without any of the damaging effects associated with today’s production methods. Food and ingredient manufacturers can now do the right thing for people and the planet without compromising on quality. Protera’s Natural Intelligence™ process uses a predictive algorithm named madi™ to identify and reveal proteins that would exist in nature. Using madi™, we can discover and craft new protein-based ingredients faster and more affordably than ever before, unlocking a revolution in human health, the environment, and preventing food waste.
Why is it needed?
Today’s challenges: - Feeding a growing population with nutritious food. - Current industrial-scale food production technologies have negative and long-lasting consequences on the environment. - One-third of food produced worldwide is wasted every year.
How does it improve life?
We combine protein and food science expertise with advanced AI technology to develop healthier, sustainable, and clean-label ingredients. From avocados to olive oil to that delicious tofu dish, food and its ingredients are produced naturally by biology. We have tried to understand nature's production process since we developed our first agricultural methods. However, our good intentions to make enough food for the world's population has led to no longer sustainable practices. We believe that by aligning protein understanding, AI technology, and consumer-driven demands, we can create a more sustainable food system. Protera Guard: A unique clean-label protein to extend food shelf-life and replace chemical preservatives. This product has an anti-mold effect without requiring acidic environments. This property avoids any impact on the organoleptic properties. Our protein is also thermostable, making protera guard the perfect choice for baked products.