Help out your neighbourhood
How does it work?
Scratchbac makes it easy to give or get help from the people near you. Connect, collaborate and share resources with your neighbours. The app allows users to tell stories, ask questions, or just say hi to people in close proximity.
Why is it needed?
Many hardly know the people in their communities. Actually, it seems like it's getting harder to lepp in touch with the people and activities around us. This is why Scracthbac is creating a safe space for everyone to form true connections.
How does it improve life?
In March 2022, Scratchbac raised SGD$500,000 in a pre-seed fundraise. The founding team consists of the 4 of us SUTD graduates, Jerry Neo, Cheryl Low, Princeton Poh and Anantharajan Vivekbala. Scracthbac is committed to bringing to life its vision of a friendlier world where help is just around the corner.