We optimize patient outcomes by accelerating the commercialization of precision medicine
How does it work?
Discovering diagnosed, misdiagnosed and undiagnosed patients through machine learning, artificial intelligence and evolutionary computation applied to a real world data universe of over 300 million de-identified patient journeys and 65 billion anonymized social determinants of health signals refreshed weekly. Our unparalleled ability to demonstrate empirical results is rooted in our unique combination of a granular RWD universe, decades of in-house consulting, technology and domain expertise, as well as a modern machine learning and artificial intelligence infrastructure.
Why is it needed?
Find and Profile Ideal Patient Populations Whether seeking patients yet to be diagnosed with a rare or specialty disease, ready to progress to your 2nd or 3rd line therapy or at risk of non-adherence, our solutions focus on developing the business rules to isolate the ideal patient population, leveraging ML/AI to predict the lookalike audience at scale and associate physicians via several different attribution techniques. Map Their Diagnostic and Treatment Journey We examine the pathways and critical moments across the continuum of care to address various questions related to both the patient experience (e.g., demographics, co-morbidities, prior treatment, diagnostic testing, signs and symptoms) and the provider dynamics (e.g., place of service, specialty and payer makeup) to provide a high-definition view of leverage points.
How does it improve life?
Uncover Their Healthcare Ecosystem While the industry has historically used field intelligence, primary research and secondary data to understand healthcare providers, we place the patient at the center of all analysis and draw on years of granular-level patient-provider interaction data to effectively map treating physicians, referral patterns and key opinion leaders for disease states.