Oto, fighting tinnitus
No more waiting for treatment. Access to tinnitus therapy, whenever you need it.
Millions of people around the world have tinnitus, but help is hard to find. You could be waiting months to see a tinnitus specialist. Oto changes that. Now, you can download Oto to instantly start your digital tinnitus therapy. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is proven to be the most effective way to treat tinnitus. It trains your brain to respond differently to the sound it perceives. Gradually the changes in your neural network mean you hear your tinnitus less and less. Habituation is the point at which you no longer notice it at all. We’re with you on this journey. With Oto, you will build your own personal toolkit of CBT, mindfulness, relaxation and sound therapy techniques. Reduce the intrusion of tinnitus by managing the stress associated with it, improving your sleep and moving to a place where you're more in control.