Lucky Iron Fish™
Lucky Iron Fish™ is a simple, clinically proven, effective solution for alleviating iron deficiency.
Current treatments for 'Iron deficiency' are not tolerated, expensive, not consistently available and may have side effects. Therefore in many parts of the world compliance is low. Our innovative solution started in Cambodia. Cooking in iron pots releases sufficient iron into the food to alleviate iron deficiency but pots are expensive and difficult to clean and use. The Lucky Iron Fish™ uses the same concept – it is a small ingot of iron placed in the cooking pot calculated to release enough iron to supplement the diet. The iron is cast in the shape of a fish that is lucky in Cambodian culture, and as a result the compliance rate is >90%. Its positive impact has been shown in two clinical trials. Lucky Iron Fish™ Inc. is a social enterprise. Fish are made from recycled material and their production, packaging, safety testing and distribution create employment for Cambodians including land mine victims. Fish are also sold in North America to sponsor purchase of a fish in Cambodia.