A mental health resource database for creatives.
MindFull acts as a database for resources, curated to help people struggling with their mental health. The resources range from self-care tips, to distraction techniques, coping mechanisms and even Netflix and podcast recommendations. The project was born out of a desire to help their fellow creatives. Most mental health platforms are “hard and uninspiring” to engage with and a gap existed for something more playful and uplifting. The online resource has two core user journeys. The first was for those who crave some ‘me-time’, the second is for those who have a more targeted need from the app. “We’ve done the usual things like donate money and run smaller projects in the past, but given the year that 2020 was, we thought now was the time to do something a little more significant,” he says, adding that it felt pertinent to use Nalla’s collective design skills to try and tackle the social problem.