Hidden Faces
Unveil the faces of prisoners of conscience in Iran
Hidden Faces lets you unveil the faces of prisoners of conscience in Iran, in the streets. Using augmented reality on the walls or specific road signs [e.g. Stop signs], you can see and learn about them and their time in prison. - Find a wall or a road sign. - Point your camera at it, while in the app. - See a hand-drawn portrait of prisoners and read about them. - Capture images and record videos. - Share with the hashtag #Hidden_Faces. Hidden Faces is part of Iran Prison Atlas. IPA is a database created and administered by the non-profit organization United for Iran, which collects, verifies, and publishes information on human rights abuses against political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in Iran. The IPA sees the status of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience as a lens by which to better understand the human rights situation in Iran. Their detentions are a direct reflection of the status of freedoms of expression, peaceful assembly, asso