Turns small objects, mainly games, into conversation starters in the public space.
Can the sharing economy be anything else than new ways of consuming? –Can we use the sharing economy logic to strengthen our cities. Thats OurHub. OurHub is a citizen centric solution that aims at giving local peers a reason to interact in the public space, and create a sense of belonging on a superlocal level, across gender, ethnicity, social status and age. OurHub is a network of smart furnitures or hubs that are costumized around specific games and training equipment. The hubs are placed in the public space, right where people are, and each hub can be accessed through the OurHub smartphone app. OurHub combines physical high quality objects and a digital platform to create an unmanned realtime-trackable social infrastructure in the city. OurHub uses advanced social algorithms and behavioral economics to bring people together around convenient and playful activities. OurHub reinvents the concept of third places, and turn our cities into more inclusive and playful places.