The Deep Sleep Cocoon
A jacket for sleeping in space
Built to help you sleep anywhere on Earth or in outer-space, the Deep Sleep Cocoon is a self-contained microhabitat that’s a cross between a cocoon and a spacesuit. However advanced we become, the human body needs rest and sleep in order to function at a high level, and this will become even more critical as we travel off our planet. But when you’re trapped in an environment you can’t control, and it’s cabin crew, scientific protocol or deep space deciding what light, sound and ambient temperature you’re exposed to, sleeping can be hard. Long-haul flights, the International Space Station and the first flights bound for Mars are not designed for sleep. So we turned to nature to design a microhabitat for a human being – mimicking adaptable and protective structures like the exoskeleton of a woodlouse and the cocoons spun by moths and caterpillars. Designed for physical and psychological comfort in inhospitable places.