It makes sure the right set of bacteria colonize the gut in order to grow healthy immune system.
As the baby squeezes out of the vagina during birth, a rich bacterial transfer is created that not only protects the baby from potentially life-threatening pathogens, but also becomes the basis of our personal microbiome which shapes the future of our health. So I wanted to design a device that will allow this transfer for new c-section babies. It is important to address that because we live in an over-medicalized and sterile world missing the payload of good bacteria at birth creates an imbalance of the microbiome biodiversity. As a consequence, threatens our immune system. The pump is introduced in the mothers vagina 15 minutes before a c-section and will gather rich bacteria from the birth canal and soak it in a pre-make hydrogel mask, which is inside the pump. When the baby is born the mask is taken out of the pump and put on top of the baby allowing a safe and direct transfer of the right bacteria.