E-Vent Project
Engineers at MIT are developing solutions to ventilator shortages.
The team at MIT asked one basic question that we are all also asking ourselves: “Is it possible to safely ventilate a COVID-19 patient by automatically actuating a manual resuscitator? Based on a project from a few years back developed by former MIT student Stephen Powelson, the E-Vent emergency ventilator project has now been published as open-source and relevant STL files are expected to be released soon. The project was carried out by one of several teams who recognized the challenges faced by Italian physicians and are working to find a solution to the anticipated global lack of ventilators. One of the end products for this project is a set of tools for makers or manufacturers to safely build the ventilators. Four main deliverables are “minimum safe ventilator functionality based on clinical guidance,” hardware design reference material, electronics and control design material, and test results from animal models.