USB Charging Bicycle
Uganda's bicycle-powered USB charger.
Persistently researching and collecting information, it took Abangira nine months to bring his idea to life. Outside on the verandah, there is a bicycle placed upside down, over which he kneels and connects wires. With a small white cable, the ends of which have been stripped, Abangira connects one end to the dynamo and the other to a metal piece on the bicycle. The other end of the wire is then connected to the prototype charger, which is covered with paper and held together by tape. Inside, there are both metal and plastic socket covers, a switch, resisters, regulators, heat sinks and capacitors – along with items taken from boosters and torches. With a USB cable connected to the charger on one end and the phone on the other, Abangira starts peddling the bicycle with his hands. The phone, meanwhile, starts charging – just as it would if it was connected to hydro-power.