Pataphysical Mail
Bringing girls closer to science, cultivating a scientific spirit
Service to bring science and technology closer to childhood with a gender perspective. Pataphysical Mail, is a postal mail service that, through letters written by women scientists, inspires girls between 6 and 11 years old to discover and explore their environment through science and technology, not only from knowledge but also from life experiences shared by these scientists. In this way, the letters pose specific questions associated with a scientific field and leaves open the possibility for the girl to solve it from her point of view with a real or imaginary (or pataphysical) solution. The project integrates the feminist perspective of care, privileging characteristics such as care and affection, teaching both girls and boys from childhood that science and technology should be conceived for the well-being and the common good, where in addition to learning and cultivate a scientific spirit feel free to incorporate your imagination and develop your own point of view.