Current Table
Current Table is an intelligent, independent power source that integrates solar technology naturally
“In just one day, the sun provides enough energy to supply the world’s electricity for an entire year.” Working on our energy problem starts with combining forces and requires real behavioral change. Technology needs to be integrated naturally into our daily lives using the strengths of aesthetics. We put objects to work; a table is not only a table but also generates electricity. Current table is a new kind of energy source within the home or office. Its integrated solar cells use the property of colour to create an electrical current, just like photosynthesis. The dye-sensitised solar cells also work efficiently under diffuse light — effectively making it the first piece of furniture to harvest energy indoors. With no cables, Current Table is self-sufficient and can be used to charge your devices. It is intelligent too and shows how it works best: through an app you read light intensity and how much energy has been stored.