Customer Lowered Electricity Price
Incentivizes customers to alter energy use behaviors.
Customer Lowered Electricity Price (CLEP) is distinguished by its win-win-win solution for the resident, the utility and the regulator. CLEP incentivizes customers to alter energy use behaviors to make pre-planned or automated electricity purchases at cheaper times of day when aggregate demand is lower. Smart purchases and demand cuts save the utility money--much of which can be paid to these customers. Key idea: the best way to balance between utility and consumer investment is to pay customers via timely rewards that are < the actual utility cost savings generated by that customer. Then: customers will make timely investments to raise the associated reward payments. Customer Lowered Energy Price [CLEP] • Lowers electricity cost for all customers; • Superior demand response; • Finances multi-thousand-dollar batteries in buildings; • Harvests cheap non-peak power for peak power use; • Pays 5% better than net energy metering but has no subsidy;