A wearable translator that instantly translates your words - no internet connection needed.
ili is a wearable translator that instantly translates your words. The device can be used anywhere, anytime without being connected to the Internet. Its intuitive user interface allows you to use the device as if you’re directly communicating with the other person. Push and hold the center button and begin speaking; release the button when you’re done. This simple interface allows anyone to use ili. Each Ili device contains a two-language translation system—English-Japanese, Japanese-Chinese, or Chinese-English. The wearable supposedly lets you translate up to 50,000 words and phrases without Wi-Fi or mobile data, powered by the operating system contained on the device. By expanding the number of languages in ili, it could potentially be used in situations where refugees or migrants, are having trouble whit communicating whit local instances and local people, in the countries they are fleeing to - as well as many other situations.