Self-Circulate Public Bike System
A public bike self circulate system powered by current bus system.
A public bike self circulate system , poweed by current bus system. Using the minimum cost to improve the public bike scheduling system. We often find public bike rental points at the bus stop design edge. However, due to various reasons, we find that often do not borrow the car or the car, which greatly hampered the normal use of the public bicycle system. So we designed this system to balance the number of bicycle circulation between the various sites, hoping to transport by bus each public bike site bike module, in order to balance the number of available bikes various sites. Thus ensuring at all times, especially in the morning and evening peak hours may, by bicycle, car parking spaces also. Last kilometer to better address the problem. Forming a three bicycles bicycle module group, by identifying priority technology transfer module will be loaded into transport bus station roof. If the arrival of the next bus station, found the site a lack of bike, it will be loaded and unloaded.