Huron Clear Energy
Commercial production of fuel with carbon caught from the atmosphere
How does it work?
Huron Clean Energy is a licensed partner of Carbon Engineering Ltd. to develop multiple clean fuel synthesis plants across Canada. Carbon Engineering’s breakthrough Direct Air Capture and AIR TO FUELS™ technologies are used to create clean fuel out of air. When carbon dioxide captured from the atmosphere is combined with renewably generated hydrogen, clean fuel is produced. This clean, near carbon-neutral fuel, can be used in all existing transportation infrastructure as a replacement fuel or blended with current fuels such as gasoline, diesel, or Jet-A to lower the carbon intensity of those fuels.
Why is it needed?
Huron provides a solution to three major problems facing our world today: Rising levels of carbon dioxide, storage for renewable energy and finite supplies of fossil fuels.
How does it improve life?
Huron Clean Energy is deploying a globally significant climate change solution at commercial scale. So far, they've produced 103 million litres of Low Carbon Synthetic Fuel and captured 250K tonnes of Atmospheric C02 each year. Carbon Engineering’s industrially scalable DAC technology can be built to capture one million tons of CO2 per year at a single facility. At that scale, one facility is capturing a quantity of CO2 equivalent to the emissions from 250,000 cars.