Design and production with purpose: enabling local production and job creation to reduce inequality
DonandMerit (D&M) is a clothing brand with a purpose – fusing great style and functionality with a force for good in the world. D&M wants to help reduce social inequality by creating a manufacturing system that promotes local social production. The company will apply user-centered design principles to create socially responsible products through (1) Creation of jobs with social value: enabling the social integration of people at risk of exclusion through local socially responsible production. (2) Products with cause: facilitating co-creation of products associated with a humanitarian cause such as donating a percentage of sales towards a non-profit foundation. (3) Conscious Consumerism: promoting the concept of "attire with purpose" to raise awareness of the existence of socially responsible products of high quality and design value. It’s a model of sustainable value creation (economic, social and environmental) with a clear benefit for people and society and scalable over time.