πŸ“£ Fun(d) News - 11/20
A new month means new updates from our portfolio companies

Iris.ai kicked off the month by announcing an update and some new features to its academic tool. Iris.ai is used by both universities, researchers, academics and curious individuals who wish to scour the world of knowledge in a manageable way. The new update offers users the possibility of exporting bookmarked pages, a quick way to see which repositories the research papers stem from and a tool to create even more detailed hierarchies of research concepts. 

The on-going achievements of what3words are all about expanding life-saving tech. Over the last months, the revolutionary location app has expanded into new markets, and now Australian emergency services have joined the what3words clientele. The country's Emergency+ app helps people call the right emergency numbers and has now implemented what3words as a service to confirm locations.

We've got a winner! Piñatex and the start-up behind the sustainable fabric Ananas Anam is one of four European tech start-ups who've won a Fashion Innovation Award. The award ceremony was hosted in Switzerland, and Piñatex was named a winner alongside American company Returnity, the Dutch fashion start-up Flocus and the Finnish packaging alternative RePack. This year's Fashion Innovation Award was particularly focused on sustainability and help scaling promising solutions to combat the fashion industry's environmental footprint.

Ava's live-captioning technology has not only changed the social life of the deaf and hearing-impaired but also made an inclusive work culture more accessible. During the pandemic, Ava has been refining their add-ons for video calls and shared solutions on how to be more inclusive in the office both on- and offline. In a recent blog post, they've shared ten principles for establishing a deaf-friendly work culture. It's filled with valuable learnings and explanatory GIFs.

The importance of drone delivery in Africa has received a lot of news coverage lately. Both Logistics Update Africa and CNN have reported on the exciting innovation and development, and both feature the importance of Zipline. "Drones are transforming the medical logistics industry across Africa," says CNN's Eleni Giokos in CNN's video report that shows Zipline in action and features interviews with CEO Keller Rinaudo and Ghanian doctors.


Image: Pineapple leaf fibres on their way to becoming Piñatex