Play & Learning
Quality Education
Delirium, healthcare, serious game
IJsfontein makes media interactive. We are convinced that people are naturally curious and intrinsically motivated to develop themselves. In our view, play is one of the most effective ways to encourage this natural behaviour.
Our projects have objectives ranging from creating awareness to education and from training to educational entertainment. Think, for instance, of a serious game as a training tool for (medical) staff, interactive exhibits and apps for museums or a cross platform digital method for primary education.
Commissionair: Stichting Effectieve ouderenzorg
Delirium experience
Experience the effects of a delirium and learn what you can do for a delirious patient.
Every year there are 100,000 delirious patients in the Netherlands. Especially older patients have a chance of getting a delirium, for example, after they have been anesthetized. A good diagnosis and acting accordingly are crucial. Unfortunately, many medical professionals are ill-informed of this condition. This unique interactive video experience with top quality actors and a total of 150 video variations is based on scientific research and patient stories. Playing to minimise the delirium as well as playing to find out how badly the situation can escalate gives an insight into the effect of the interventions. The main target audiences are medical students and professional nurses and doctors. Many universities and hospitals from all over Europe are interested in deploying this tool, because of it’s medical realism, immersiveness and usability. It has received the quality label Valid game from the Dutch Society for Simulation in Healthcare.