The Eye Tribe Tracker
Affordable eye tracking with potential to change play and learning forever
You not use your eyes instead of your mouse-pad? It might change the way we interact with our devices in the future and ease digital life for disabled. Eye Tribe Tracker is the world's first cross platform and truly affordable eye tracker. It delivers real-time data of where a person looks on a screen. This is achieved by using components from large volume products, to design a product that is cost efficient. The product itself is designed to attract little attention, and seamlessly integrate with its surroundings. The platform technology will change the way we analyze human behavior to create more intelligent products. Features include assisted mouse control, secure login by gaze patterns, pre-loading content, hands-free navigation of eBooks, websites, apps, TVs etc., Also, it will empower disabled people dependent on gaze communication. By recording eye movements, our tracker detects attention span. This can be used in many settings; reading tests in schools, early detecting of Alzheimer's and ADHD, drowsiness detection in cars, and video, websites, game analytics - and much more.